Emotion Ontology
740 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 601 to 650 of 740 Records | Page: 13 of 15, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- positive regulation of female receptivity, post-mating
- positive surprise
- positive valence
- post-mating behavior
- post-mating oviposition
- predatory behavior
- preference
- pressing lips together
- pride
- problem solving behaviour
- proboscis extension reflex
- process
- process boundary
- process profile
- proprioception
- protention
- psychomotor behavior
- publisher
- quality
- rage
- raising eyebrows
- rapid eye movement sleep
- ready for release
- realizable entity
- realized in
- realizes
- reasoned ontology module
- reduction of food intake in response to dietary excess
- regret
- regulation of female receptivity
- regulation of female receptivity, post-mating
- relation
- relational quality
- remembering
- representation
- reproductive behavior
- requires discussion
- response to hermaphrodite contact
- retention
- rhythmic behavior
- rights
- role
- sadness
- salt aversion
- satisfaction
- schadenfreude
- scheduled for obsoletion on or after
- seeAlso
- seeing
- sensitization