Emotion Ontology
30 terms(s) returned
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- BFO CLIF specification label
- BFO OWL specification label
- BFO_0000133
- base ontology module
- becoming pale
- behavior
- behavioral defense response
- behavioral defense response to insect
- behavioral defense response to nematode
- behavioral fear response
- behavioral response to acetic acid induced pain
- behavioral response to chemical pain
- behavioral response to cocaine
- behavioral response to ethanol
- behavioral response to ether
- behavioral response to formalin induced pain
- behavioral response to nicotine
- behavioral response to nutrient
- behavioral response to pain
- behavioral response to water deprivation
- behavioral response to wounding
- belief
- blushing
- bodily disposition
- bodily process
- bodily quality
- boredom
- breathing at a more rapid rate
- breathing at a slower rate
- bridge ontology module