Mental Disease Ontology
1035 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 1035 Records | Page: 2 of 21, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- adult feeding behavior
- adult foraging behavior
- adult locomotory behavior
- adult walking behavior
- advanced sleep phase syndrome
- affective flattening
- affective representation
- aggressive behavior
- agnosia
- agoraphobia
- agoraphobia
- agraphia
- agreeableness
- akinesia
- akinetopsia
- alcohol abuse
- alcohol dependence
- alcohol-induced mental disorder
- alcohol-related birth defect
- alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder
- alcoholic psychosis
- alertness
- alexia
- alexithymia
- allergic disease process
- alogia
- alternative term
- amnestic disorder
- amphetamine abuse
- amusia
- analysis subset ontology module
- ancillary health care process
- anergia
- anesthesia-resistant memory
- angiotensin-mediated drinking behavior
- anhedonia
- animal phobia
- anorexia nervosa
- anorgasmia
- anosognosia
- anterograde amnesia
- antidepressant type abuse
- antisocial personality disorder
- antisymmetric property
- anxiety disorder
- aphasia
- apperceptive agnosia
- apprehension
- apraxia
- arousal