Mental Disease Ontology
1035 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 151 to 200 of 1035 Records | Page: 4 of 21, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- body dysmorphic disorder
- borderline personality disorder
- bridge ontology module
- brief psychotic disorder
- bruxism
- bulimia nervosa
- caffeine intoxication
- cancer process
- cancer progression stage
- cancer progression stage 0
- cancer progression stage I
- cancer progression stage II
- cancer progression stage III
- cancer progression stage IV
- cancerophobia
- cannabis abuse
- cannabis dependence
- capability
- capability to play piano
- capability to play violin
- capability to read
- capability to read music
- capability to speak
- capability to understand language
- capturing behaviour
- capturing prey
- cataplexy
- catatonic behaviour
- catatonic excitement
- catatonic posturing
- catatonic rigidity
- catatonic schizophrenia
- catatonic stupor
- central sleep apnea
- chase prey
- chemosensory behavior
- chemosensory jump behavior
- chemotherapy procedure
- childhood disintegrative disease
- chronic disease course
- chronic stress
- chronic tic disorder
- circadian behavior
- circadian mating behavior
- circadian period
- circadian persistence
- circadian phase
- circadian regulation of heart rate
- circadian regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure
- circadian rhythm