Mental Disease Ontology
49 terms(s) returned
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- TV_pl
- TV_sg
- TV_vbg
- TopNodes_DOcancerslim
- tactile agnosia
- tactile consciousness
- tangentiality in speech
- tasting
- taxonomic bridge ontology module
- template generated ontology module
- temporal region
- term editor
- term imported
- term replaced by
- term split
- term tracker item
- terms merged
- territorial aggressive behavior
- therapeutic procedure
- thermosensory behavior
- thinking
- thinking with language
- thought blocking
- thought disorder (TD)
- three-dimensional spatial region
- tic disorder
- tick-borne_infectious_disease
- time agnosia
- time intentional modality
- tissue disorder
- title
- to be replaced with external ontology term
- topographical agnosia
- touching
- transfusion
- transient disease course
- transient global amnesia
- transient tic disorder
- transmitted_by
- transplantation
- transsexualism
- transvestism
- treatment
- trichotillomania
- turning behavior
- turning behavior involved in mating
- two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary
- two-dimensional spatial region
- type