Measurement method ontology
113 terms(s) returned
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- absorptiometry
- active avoidance test using a two-way shuttle box apparatus
- activity monitoring apparatus method
- adult cuff Colin STBP-780 automated blood pressure monitor
- adult cuff Dinamap 1846 SX/P blood pressure monitor
- adult cuff Hawksley random zero sphygomomanometer
- adult cuff auscultatory sphygmomanometer
- affinity chromatography
- aggregometry
- air displacement plethysmography
- albumin blue 580-based urine albumin analysis with spectrophotometric readout
- anion-exchange chromatography
- anorectal manometry
- anthropometric tape
- applanation tonometry
- arm(s) of elevated plus maze apparatus
- arterial puncture
- atomic absorption spectrometry
- atomic emission spectrometry
- atomic spectrometry
- audiometry
- auscultatory sphygmomanometer
- automated blood albumin analysis
- automated blood analysis
- automated blood cell counting method
- automated blood creatinine analysis
- automated blood electrolyte analysis
- automated blood gas analysis
- automated blood gas analysis using a Bayer analyzer
- automated blood glucose analysis
- automated blood protein analysis
- automated blood total protein analysis
- automated blood urea nitrogen analysis
- automated bromocresol green-based plasma albumin analysis with spectrophotometric readout
- automated cell/particle size/count analysis method
- automated chemiluminescent-based plasma low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol analysis
- automated chemiluminescent-based plasma total cholesterol analysis
- automated coagulometer method
- automated differential white blood cell count test
- automated hematology analysis
- automated plasma alanine aminotransferase activity assay
- automated plasma albumin analysis
- automated plasma alkaline phosphatase activity assay
- automated plasma analysis
- automated plasma analysis using Beckman analyzer
- automated plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity assay
- automated plasma bicarbonate test
- automated plasma calcium test
- automated plasma chloride test
- automated plasma creatine kinase activity assay