Measurement method ontology
78 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 78 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- IAO_0000231
- IAO_0100001
- id
- immunoassay
- immunodiffusion assay
- immunoelectron microscopy
- immunofluorescence
- immunofluorescence confocal microscopy
- immunofluorescence confocal microscopy with digital image analysis
- immunohistochemistry
- immunoprecipitation
- implanted wire electrode recording method
- impression tonometry
- in situ expression assay
- in situ recombinase reporter assay
- in situ reporter assay
- in situ reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay
- in vivo X-ray radiography
- in vivo body part measuring method
- in vivo caliper method
- in vivo light microscopy
- in vivo light microscopy with digital image analysis
- in vivo linear measurement method
- in vivo measuring stick method
- in vivo method
- in vivo microscopy
- in vivo peripheral quantitative computed tomography
- in vivo photography
- in vivo photography with digital image analysis
- in vivo radiography
- in vivo ruler method
- in vivo stereo light microscopy
- in vivo stereo light microscopy with digital image analysis
- in vivo television microscopy
- in vivo thermometry
- in vivo videography with digital image analysis
- in vivo visual assessment
- in vivo whole body quantitative computed tomography
- indirect ophthalmoscopy
- inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
- inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry
- intra-aortic abdominal radiotelemetry
- intra-aortic abdominal radiotelemetry via abdominal aorta cannulation
- intra-aortic abdominal radiotelemetry via femoral cannulation
- intra-aortic radiotelemetry
- intra-aortic thoracic radiotelemetry
- intra-aortic thoracic radiotelemetry via carotid cannulation
- intra-carotid radiotelemetry
- intracellular calcium assay
- intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test