Protein modification
117 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 117 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- D-alanine
- D-alanine (Ala)
- D-alanine (Ser)
- D-allo-isoleucine
- D-allo-threonine
- D-asparagine
- D-aspartic acid
- D-aspartic acid (Asn)
- D-aspartic acid (Asp)
- D-leucine
- D-methionine
- D-phenylalanine
- D-serine
- D-serine (Cys)
- D-serine (Ser)
- D-tryptophan
- D-valine
- Dabsyl chloride derivatized residue
- DeltaMass
- Description (full_name) from Unimod
- DiffAvg
- DiffFormula
- DiffMono
- d9-4-trimethylammoniumbutanoyl derivatized residue
- dHex1Hex3HexNAc2 N4-glycosylated asparagine
- dHex1Hex3HexNAc6 N4-glycosylated asparagine
- dHex1Hex4HexNAc5 N4-glycosylated asparagine
- dHex1Hex5HexNAc3 N4-glycosylated asparagine
- dHex1Hex6HexNAc3 N4-glycosylated asparagine
- dHex2Hex4HexNAc5 N4-glycosylated asparagine
- dansyl chloride derivatized residue
- database_cross_reference
- date
- deamidated 4-methyl esterified asparagine
- deamidated L-asparagine
- deamidated L-glutamine
- deamidated and methyl esterified residue
- deamidated residue
- deamidation followed by a methylation -site Q
- deamidation in presence of O18
- deamidation in presence of O18 -site Q
- deaminated residue
- decanoylated residue
- decarboxylated residue
- decomposed carboxymethylated methionine
- default-namespace
- definition
- deglycosylated asparagine
- dehydrated residue
- dehydroalanine