Protein modification
226 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 201 to 226 of 226 Records | Page: 5 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- L-tyrosine amide
- L-tyrosine removal
- L-tyrosine residue
- L-valine 5-(methoxymethyl)thiazole-4-carboxylic acid
- L-valine amide
- L-valine removal
- L-valine residue
- L-valine thiazole-4-carboxylic acid
- Label from MS DeltaMass
- Levuglandinyl - arginine hydroxylactam adduct
- Levuglandinyl - arginine lactam adduct
- Levuglandinyl - hydroxylactam adduct, K and N-term
- Levuglandinyl - lactam adduct, K and N-term
- label
- label cysteine with IGBP reagent
- labionin
- lactic acid
- lactose glycated lysine
- lanthionine
- levuglandinyl (prostaglandin H2) adduct
- linker attached to peptide in Fmoc peptide synthesis
- linoloylated residue
- lipoconjugated residue
- lysine 4-hydroxynonenal adduct
- lysine epsilon amino to imine + 12 amu
- lysine oxidation to aminoadipic semialdehyde