Protein modification
30 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 30 of 30 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- (R)-5-oxo-1,4-tetrahydrothiazine-3-carboxylic acid
- reagent derivatized residue
- reduced 4-hydroxynonenal adduct
- reduced cysteine 4-hydroxynonenal adduct
- reduced histidine 4-hydroxynonenal adduct
- reduced lysine 4-hydroxynonenal adduct
- reduced residue
- reduction of disulfide crosslink in cystine to two cysteines
- reductive amination-D
- reporter fragment
- residue methyl ester
- residue reporter fragment
- residues isobaric at 113.0-113.1 Da
- residues isobaric at 113.047678 Da
- residues isobaric at 113.084064 Da
- residues isobaric at 128.0-128.1
- residues isobaric at 128.058578 Da
- residues isobaric at 166.98-167.00 Da
- residues isobaric at 181.00-181.02 Da
- residues isobaric at 182.9-183.0 Da
- residues isobaric at 182.96-182.98 Da
- residues isobaric at 243.02-243.03 Da
- residues isobaric at 71.0-71.1 Da
- residues isobaric at 71.037114 Da
- residues isobaric at a resolution below 0.000001 Da
- residues isobaric at a resolution below 0.01 Da
- residues isobaric at a resolution below 0.1 Da
- riboflavin-phosphorylated residue
- ribonucleic acid linked residue
- ribosylated residue