Protein modification
137 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 137 of 137 Records | Page: 3 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Short label curated by PSI-MOD
- Short label from OMSSA
- Source
- SucPhencarb Lysyl
- Sulfanilic Acid (SA), heavy C13
- Sulfanilic Acid (SA), heavy C13 - site D
- Sulfanilic Acid (SA), heavy C13 - site E
- Sulfanilic Acid (SA), light C12
- Sulfanilic Acid (SA), light C12 - site D
- Sulfanilic Acid (SA), light C12 - site E
- Systematic name from RESID
- saved-by
- selenium containing residue
- selenium substitution for sulfur
- selenium substitution for sulfur - site C
- selenium substitution for sulfur - site M
- sodium and potassium salt
- sodium containing modified residue
- stearoylated residue
- stereoisomerized residue
- subset_property
- succinyl beta-aspartyl anhydride
- succinylated residue
- sulfated residue
- sulfonation of N-terminal
- sulfonyl halide reagent derivatized residue
- sulfur containing modified residue
- sulfur dioxygenated residue
- sulfur monooxygenated residue
- sulfur oxygenated L-cysteine
- sulfur oxygenated L-methionine
- sulfur oxygenated residue
- sulfur substitution for oxygen
- sumoylated lysine
- symmetric dimethyl-L-arginine
- syndesine
- synonym_type_property