Mass spectrometry ontology
172 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 172 Records | Page: 1 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- ICAT heavy reagent
- ICAT light reagent
- ICAT reagent
- ICPL reagent
- ICPL reagent 0
- ICPL reagent 10
- ICPL reagent 4
- ICPL reagent 6
- ID based metric
- ID free metric
- IPTL quantitation analysis
- ISB mzXML format
- ITQ 1100
- ITQ 700
- ITQ 900
- ITRAQAnalyzer
- IdentiPy
- IdentiPy:RHNS
- IdentiPy:hyperscore
- IdentityE Score
- IdentityE XML format
- InChI
- InChIKey
- InternalCalibration
- IonSpec instrument model
- IsoPrime
- IsoProbe
- IsoProbe T
- IsobariQ
- Isotopologue ion
- Isotopomeric ion
- i3tms
- iMonDB
- iProX dataset URI
- iProX dataset identifier
- iProphet
- iRT calibration adjusted r-squared
- iRT calibration formula
- iRT retention time normalization standard
- iTRAQ quantitation analysis
- iTRAQ reagent
- iTRAQ reagent 113
- iTRAQ reagent 114
- iTRAQ reagent 115
- iTRAQ reagent 116
- iTRAQ reagent 117
- iTRAQ reagent 118
- iTRAQ reagent 119
- iTRAQ reagent 121