Next Generation Biobanking Ontology
149 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 101 to 149 of 149 Records | Page: 3 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- microdissected specimen
- microgametophyte vegetative cell
- microglial cell
- micropipette
- microplate washer
- microraft
- microscope slide
- microtiter plate
- microtome blade age
- milk specimen
- minor salivary gland specimen
- moderate alcohol consumption history
- molecular analysis facility organization
- molecular entity
- molecular feature identification objective
- molecular function identification objective
- molecular label role
- molecular-labeled material
- monoblast
- monocyte
- monocyte-derived intermediate cell
- monocyte-derived osteoclast
- mononuclear osteoclast
- monopoietic cell
- mother clinical history of cancer
- motor neuron
- mouse embryonic fibroblast cell
- mouse embryonic stem cell
- mouse erythroleukemia cell
- mouse neural progenitor cell
- mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue macrophage
- mucosal type mast cell
- multinuclear osteoclast
- multinucleated giant cell
- multiple sequence alignment
- multiple testing correction objective
- multipotent stem cell
- mural granulosa cell
- muscle cell
- musculo-skeletal system cell
- myeloblast
- myelocyte
- myeloid cell
- myeloid dendritic cell
- myeloid leukocyte
- myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
- myeloid suppressor cell
- myoblast
- myoepithelial cell