Next Generation Biobanking Ontology
87 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 87 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- AB SOLiD System
- ABI 377 automated sequencer
- ACMG guidelines for classification of variants
- ACMG moderate classification criteria
- ACMG strong variants classification
- ACMG supporting classification criteria
- ACMG very strong classification criteria
- Alcohol Use History
- Allele-specific expression data
- Amniota
- Availability of other specimen from the same donor
- a clinical history of contact with someone with smallpox
- accessed material role
- achieves_planned_objective
- acinar cell
- acquisition computer
- actual duration of study subject participation
- adapter ligation process
- adapter ligation protocol
- adapter sequence data
- adapter-sequence trimming
- adapter-trimmed sequence data
- adding a material entity into a target
- adding material objective
- adding specimen into a container
- addition of molecular label
- additional tumor specimen was obtained and processed with a particular FFPE fixation delay protocol
- address
- adherence of alcohol stage duration to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of dehydration process duration to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of dehydration process temperature to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of duration in clearing agent to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of paraffin temperature to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of stage and replicate numbers to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of temperature of clearing agent to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence to FFPE tissue block storage SOP
- adherence to paraffin impregnation method in FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adipocyte of breast
- adipose dendritic cell
- adipose macrophage
- adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cell
- adipose tissue specimen
- administrates
- adrenal gland specimen
- adult endothelial progenitor cell
- affinity column
- age
- age measurement datum
- algorithm
- aligned sequence data