Next Generation Biobanking Ontology
54 terms(s) returned
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- RNA Annotation and Mapping of Promoters for the Analysis of Gene Expression assay
- RNA Bind-n-Seq assay
- RNA extract
- RNA extraction
- RNA extraction with polyA depletion
- RNA extraction/purification instrument
- RNA sequence data
- RNA sequencing assay
- RNA-seq assay
- raw sequence file editing
- reagent
- reagent application function
- reagent role
- real time polymerase chain reaction assay
- real-time PCR machine
- realizable entity
- realizable has basis in
- realized in
- realized in response to
- realized in response to stimulus
- realizes
- receipt and dissection of surgical specimen SOP
- refactor_comment
- reference genome URI
- reference genome datum
- reference genome identifier
- reference genome version number
- reference genome-transcriptome alignment algorithm
- refrigerated specimen temperature
- regex
- region
- regulatory B cell
- regulatory agency
- related via exposure to
- relational quality
- relationship between person signing research authorization and specimen donor
- remnant specimen
- renal medulla specimen
- repiratory basal cell
- report
- reproductive system cell
- requirements section
- research organization
- respiratory epithelial cell
- result acceptance or rejection protocol
- results section
- reticulocyte
- retinal cell
- reversed phase column
- ribosomal profiling by sequencing assay