Ontology of Biological Attributes
152 terms(s) returned
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- udder
- ulna
- ulna cartilage element
- ulna endochondral element
- ulna pre-cartilage condensation
- ulnar metaphysis
- ulnare
- ultimobranchial body
- ultimobranchial body epithelium
- umbilical artery
- umbilical artery endothelium
- umbilical blood vessel
- umbilical cord
- umbilical cord blood
- umbilical smooth muscle
- umbilical vein
- umbilical vein endothelium
- umbilicus
- uncondensed odontogenic mesenchyme
- undifferentiated genital tubercle
- unilaminar epithelium
- unmyelinated nerve fiber
- upper arm blood vessel
- upper arm bone
- upper arm connective tissue
- upper arm epithelium
- upper arm mesenchyme
- upper arm nerve
- upper arm skin
- upper back muscle
- upper back skin
- upper canine tooth
- upper central incisor tooth
- upper central primary incisor tooth
- upper central secondary incisor tooth
- upper digestive tract
- upper esophagus
- upper eyelash
- upper eyelid
- upper eyelid epithelium
- upper eyelid mesenchyme
- upper eyelid nerve
- upper first primary molar tooth
- upper first secondary molar tooth
- upper jaw incisor
- upper jaw incisor epithelium
- upper jaw incisor odontogenic papilla
- upper jaw molar
- upper jaw molar epithelium
- upper jaw molar odontogenic papilla