Ontology of Biological Attributes
80 terms(s) returned
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- Facial hirsutism
- Facial hypertrichosis
- Facial hypotonia
- Facial muscle hypertrophy
- Facial palsy
- Facial paralysis
- Failure to thrive
- Fast-growing nails
- Fat malabsorption
- Feeding difficulties
- Feeding difficulties in infancy
- Female hypogonadism
- Femoral aplasia
- Femoral arterial calcification
- Femoral bowing
- Fetal anomaly
- Fetal ascites
- Fetal pyelectasis
- Fetal ultrasound soft marker
- Fibular aplasia
- Fibular bowing
- Fibular duplication
- Fibular hypoplasia
- Fibular overgrowth
- Fine hair
- Finger aplasia
- Finger joint contracture
- Finger joint hypermobility
- First dorsal interossei muscle atrophy
- First dorsal interossei muscle weakness
- Flat capital femoral epiphysis
- Flat cornea
- Flat distal femoral epiphysis
- Flat face
- Flat forehead
- Flat glenoid fossa
- Flat nasal alae
- Flat occiput
- Flat posterior fossa
- Flattened epiphysis
- Flattened femoral epiphysis
- Flattened femoral head
- Flattened humeral epiphyses
- Flattened humeral heads
- Flattened knee epiphyses
- Flattened proximal radial epiphyses
- Flattened radial epiphyses
- Flattened radial head
- Flexion contracture
- Flexion contracture of 3rd toe