Ontology of Biological Attributes
3979 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 3901 to 3950 of 3979 Records | Page: 79 of 80, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- rodenticide
- role
- role
- role of
- roof of mouth
- roof of mouth development
- roof plate
- roof plate amount
- roof plate formation
- roof plate morphology trait
- roof plate of diencephalon
- roof plate of medulla oblongata
- roof plate of metencephalon
- roof plate of midbrain
- roof plate of telencephalon
- roof plate spinal cord region
- root
- root of abducens nerve
- root of cervical nerve
- root of cranial nerve
- root of lumbar spinal nerve
- root of molar tooth
- root of molar tooth amount
- root of olfactory nerve
- root of optic nerve
- root of sacral nerve
- root of thoracic nerve
- root of trochlear nerve
- root of vagus nerve
- ropporin-1B
- ropporin-1B (human)
- rostral anterior cingulate cortex
- rostral anterior cingulate cortex volume
- rostral intralaminar nuclear group
- rostral middle frontal gyrus
- rostral middle frontal gyrus volume
- rostral migratory stream
- rostral migratory stream morphology
- rostral part of nephrogenic cord
- rostrocaudal neural tube patterning
- rostrum of corpus callosum
- rostrum of corpus callosum volume
- rotated
- rotator muscle of the vertebral column
- round ligament malignant neoplasm
- round ligament of uterus
- round window morphology trait
- round window of inner ear
- roundabout homolog 1
- roundabout homolog 1 (human)