Ontology for Biobanking
139 terms(s) returned
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- AES Chemunex
- APOLLO_SV_0000040
- Adjuvant Therapy
- Advanced Instruments Inc. (AI Companies)
- Affymetrix
- African American
- Agilent
- Alcohol Use History
- Ambion
- American
- Amniota
- Anatomical location
- Anterior wall of vagina
- Antigenix
- Apogee Flow Systems
- Applied Biosystems
- Archaea
- Asian
- Australian
- Australian/New Zealand Ethnicity
- a clinical history of contact with someone with smallpox
- abdominal surgical method
- abdominal wall fat pad biopsy
- abdominoperineal resection
- achieves_planned_objective
- act of authorizing
- action specification
- activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because not enough blood collected
- activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because not enough tissue
- activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because tissue was benign
- activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because tissue was not released to a biobank
- activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because tissue was too necrotic
- activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped.
- adding a material entity into a target
- adding material objective
- adding specimen into a container
- addition of molecular label
- additional tumor specimen was obtained and processed with a particular FFPE fixation delay protocol
- adherence of alcohol stage duration to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of dehydration process duration to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of dehydration process temperature to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of duration in clearing agent to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of paraffin temperature to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of stage and replicate numbers to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence of temperature of clearing agent to FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adherence to FFPE tissue block storage SOP
- adherence to paraffin impregnation method in FFPE tissue processing SOP
- adipose tissue
- adipose tissue specimen
- administrates