Ontology for Biobanking
38 terms(s) returned
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- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for biobank contact person
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for sample collection or study contact
- Indication of recent cocaine use
- identification number of a protocol at a particular site
- identifier for legally authorized representative
- in vivo intraoperative ischemic period
- in-house manufacturer
- indeterminate serological assay result
- indication of a tattoo from unregulated tattoo parlor
- indication of body piercing from non-professional
- indication of having lived in the United Kingdom during specific time frame
- indication of having resided in Europe during a specific time frame
- indication of having resided in Europe during specific time frame
- indication of having resided in a Northern European military base
- indication of heroin use
- indication of illegal prescription drug use
- indication of intravenous drug use
- indication of male homosexual sexual activity
- indication of performing sexual acts in exchange for money or drugs
- indication of residence in state-run group home at time of death
- indication of tattoo from non-professional
- indication of time in jail
- indicator of ascites fluid collection during surgery
- indicator of collected and banked pre-operative blood specimens
- indicator of pelvic washings collected during ovarian surgery
- indicator of whether specimen donor has reached the age of majority
- injection-based hormonal birth control method
- ink used for marking surgical margin
- internal body temperature measurement assay
- intra-settlement specification part of address
- intra-settlement specification part of address of biobank contact
- intra-settlement specification part of address of sample collection or study contact
- intrauterine device-based hormonal birth control method
- intravenous administration of muscle relaxant
- intravenous administration of opioid analgesic
- is contact information about
- is owned by