Ontology for Biobanking
26 terms(s) returned
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- Homo sapiens role
- OMB American Indian or Alaska Native identity information content entity
- OMB Asian identity information content entity
- OMB Hispanic or Latino identity information content entity
- OMB Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander identity information content entity
- OMB black or African American identity information content entity
- OMB ethnic identity information content entity
- OMB not Hispanic or Latino identity information content entity
- OMB racial identity information content entity
- OMB white identity information content entity
- aggregate of organizations
- collection of humans
- ethnic identity information content entity
- female gender identity information content entity
- gender identity information content entity
- health care provider role
- human health care role
- is-aggregate-of
- legal person role
- male gender identity information content entity
- material entity role
- non-binary identity information content entity
- nurse role
- racial identity information content entity
- role in human social processes
- social identity information content entity