Occupation Ontology
1936 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 651 to 700 of 1936 Records | Page: 14 of 39, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- first order logic expression
- first-line enlisted military supervisor
- first-line enlisted military supervisor (minor)
- first-line supervisor of air crew member
- first-line supervisor of all other tactical operations specialist
- first-line supervisor of building or grounds cleaning or maintenance worker
- first-line supervisor of construction trades or extraction worker
- first-line supervisor of construction trades or extraction worker (broad)
- first-line supervisor of correctional officer
- first-line supervisor of entertainment or recreation worker
- first-line supervisor of entertainment or recreation worker, except gambling service
- first-line supervisor of farming, fishing, or forestry worker
- first-line supervisor of farming, fishing, or forestry worker (broad)
- first-line supervisor of firefighting or prevention worker
- first-line supervisor of firefighting or prevention worker (broad)
- first-line supervisor of food preparation or serving worker
- first-line supervisor of gambling services worker
- first-line supervisor of helpers, laborer, or material mover, hand
- first-line supervisor of housekeeping or janitorial worker
- first-line supervisor of landscaping, lawn service, or groundskeeping worker
- first-line supervisor of law enforcement worker
- first-line supervisor of material-moving machine or vehicle operator
- first-line supervisor of mechanic, installer, or repairer
- first-line supervisor of mechanics, installer, or repairer
- first-line supervisor of non-retail sales worker
- first-line supervisor of office or administrative support worker
- first-line supervisor of office or administrative support worker (broad)
- first-line supervisor of passenger attendant
- first-line supervisor of personal service worker
- first-line supervisor of personal service worker (broad)
- first-line supervisor of police or detective
- first-line supervisor of production or operating worker
- first-line supervisor of production or operating worker (broad)
- first-line supervisor of protective service worker, all other
- first-line supervisor of retail sales worker
- first-line supervisor of sales worker
- first-line supervisor of security worker
- first-line supervisor of transportation or material moving worker
- first-line supervisor of transportation worker, all other
- first-line supervisor of weapons specialist/crew member
- fish or game warden
- fish or game warden (broad)
- fishing or hunting worker
- fishing or hunting worker (broad)
- fishing or hunting worker (minor)
- fitness or wellness coordinator
- flexibility of closure
- flight attendant
- flight attendant (broad)
- floor layer, except carpet, wood, or hard tile