Occupation Ontology
1936 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1751 to 1800 of 1936 Records | Page: 36 of 39, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- supervisor of building or grounds cleaning or maintenance worker
- supervisor of construction or extraction worker
- supervisor of farming, fishing, or forestry worker
- supervisor of food preparation or serving worker
- supervisor of food preparation or serving worker (minor)
- supervisor of installation, maintenance, or repair worker
- supervisor of office or administrative support worker
- supervisor of personal care or service worker
- supervisor of production worker
- supervisor of protective service worker
- supervisor of sales worker
- supervisor of transportation or material moving worker
- supply chain manager
- surface mining machine operator or earth driller
- surgeon
- surgeon, all other
- surgical assistant
- surgical technologist
- survey researcher
- survey researcher (broad)
- surveying or mapping technician
- surveying or mapping technician (broad)
- surveyor
- surveyor, cartographer, or photogrammetrist
- sustainability specialist
- switchboard operator, including answering service
- switchboard operator, including answering service (broad)
- systems analysis
- systems evaluation
- tailor, dressmaker, or custom sewer
- tailor, dressmaker, or sewer
- talent director
- tank car, truck, or ship loader
- tank car, truck, or ship loader (broad)
- taper
- tax examiner or collector, or revenue agent
- tax examiner, collector or preparer, or revenue agent
- tax preparer
- taxi driver
- taxonomic bridge ontology module
- teacher or instructor, all other
- teaching assistant
- teaching assistant, all other
- teaching assistant, postsecondary
- teaching assistant, preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary school, except special education
- teaching assistant, special education
- team assembler
- technical writer
- technology design
- telecommunications engineering specialist