Occupation Ontology
103 terms(s) returned
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- Homo sapiens
- hairdresser, hairstylist, or cosmetologist
- has 2D boundary
- has ID digit count
- has ID policy for
- has ID prefix
- has ID range allocated to
- has ability
- has associated axiom(fol)
- has associated axiom(nl)
- has axiom label
- has broad synonym
- has characteristic
- has curation status
- has disposition
- has exact synonym
- has function
- has job zone
- has member
- has narrow synonym
- has obsolescence reason
- has ontology root term
- has part
- has participant
- has quality
- has related synonym
- has role
- has skill
- hasDbXref
- hasOBONamespace
- has_rank
- hazardous materials removal worker
- hazardous materials removal worker (broad)
- health education specialist
- health informatics specialist
- health information technologist or medical registrar
- health information technologist or medical registrar (broad)
- health or safety engineer, except mining safety engineer or inspector
- health practitioner support technologist or technician
- health specialties teacher, postsecondary
- health teacher, postsecondary
- health technologist or technician
- health technologist or technician, all other
- healthcare diagnosing or treating practitioner
- healthcare diagnosing or treating practitioner, all other
- healthcare practitioner or technical occupation holder
- healthcare practitioner or technical worker, all other
- healthcare social worker
- healthcare support occupation
- healthcare support worker, all other