Occupation Ontology
57 terms(s) returned
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- International Nonproprietary Name
- identifier
- illicit occupation activity
- immaterial entity
- import ontology module
- imported from
- in branch
- inSubset
- independent continuant
- inductive reasoning
- industrial ecologist
- industrial engineer
- industrial engineer, including health or safety
- industrial engineering technologist or technician
- industrial machinery installation, repair, or maintenance worker
- industrial machinery mechanic
- industrial production manager
- industrial production manager (broad)
- industrial truck or tractor operator
- industrial truck or tractor operator (broad)
- industrial-organizational psychologist
- infantry
- infantry officer
- information content entity
- information or record clerk
- information or record clerk, all other
- information ordering
- information security analyst
- information security engineer
- information technology project manager
- inspector, tester, sorter, sampler, or weigher
- inspector, tester, sorter, sampler, or weigher (broad)
- installation
- installation, maintenance, or repair occupation
- installation, maintenance, or repair worker, all other
- instructing
- instructional coordinator
- instructional coordinator (broad)
- insulation worker
- insulation worker, floor, ceiling, or wall
- insulation worker, mechanical
- insurance appraiser, auto damage
- insurance claims or policy processing clerk
- insurance claims or policy processing clerk (broad)
- insurance sales agent
- insurance sales agent (broad)
- insurance underwriter
- intelligence analyst
- interior designer
- interpreter or translator