Occupation Ontology
173 terms(s) returned
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- SynonymTypeProperty
- sailor or marine oiler
- sailor or marine oiler (broad)
- sales engineer
- sales engineer (broad)
- sales manager
- sales or related occupation
- sales or related worker, all other
- sales representative in wholesale or manufacturing (minor)
- sales representative of services
- sales representative of services, except advertising, insurance, financial services, or travel
- sales representative, wholesale or manufacturing
- sales representative, wholesale or manufacturing, except technical or scientific product
- sales representative, wholesale or manufacturing, technical or scientific product
- sawing machine setter, operator, or tender, wood
- scheduled for obsoletion on or after
- school bus monitor
- school psychologist
- science
- search marketing strategist
- secondary school teacher
- secondary school teacher, except special or career/technical education
- secretary or administrative assistant
- secretary or administrative assistant (minor)
- secretary or administrative assistant, except legal, medical, or executive
- securities, commodities, or financial services sales agent
- securities, commodities, or financial services sales agent (broad)
- security guard
- security guard or gambling surveillance officer
- security management specialist
- security manager
- security or fire alarm systems installer
- seeAlso
- segmental paver
- selective attention
- self-enrichment teacher
- self-enrichment teacher (broad)
- semiconductor processing technician
- semiconductor processing technician (broad)
- separating, filtering, clarifying, precipitating, or still machine setter, operator, or tender
- septic tank servicer or sewer pipe cleaner
- septic tank servicer or sewer pipe cleaner (broad)
- service orientation
- service unit operator, oil or ga
- set or exhibit designer
- sewer, hand
- sewing machine operator
- sewing machine operator (broad)
- shampooer
- sheet metal worker