Ontology of Genetic Susceptibility Factor
51 terms(s) returned
Term Type: ObjectProperty | Record: 1 to 50 of 51 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- hasBearer
- hasBiomoleculeBoundary
- hasComponentPart
- hasContainedInterval
- hasCytogeneticMapLocation
- hasDispositionRole
- hasEndLocationOnMap
- hasEndPoint
- hasGeneLocus
- hasIntervalRelation
- hasLinkedLoci
- hasLocationOnMap
- hasMap
- hasMarkerProbe
- hasMarkerRole
- hasOccupiesLocus
- hasOccupiesSite
- hasPart
- hasPolymorphismQuality
- hasPrimaryAASequence
- hasPrimaryDNASequence
- hasPrimaryRNASequence
- hasPrimarySequence
- hasResistanceRole
- hasSTSite
- hasStartLocationOnMap
- hasStartPoint
- hasStructure
- hasStructurePart
- hasSusceptibilityRole
- hasVariation
- isAdjacentAfter
- isAdjacentBefore
- isCodeFor
- isComponentPartOf
- isContainedIn
- isEndsWith
- isLocatedAfter
- isLocatedBefore
- isOccupiedBy
- isOverlapEndWith
- isOverlapStartWith
- isPartOf
- isPredispositionTo
- isProcessPartOf
- isReverseCompleteOf
- isStartsWith
- isStructurePartOf
- isTranscribedBy
- isTranscribedTo