Ontology of Genetic Susceptibility Factor
68 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 68 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- IAO_id
- IAO_subset
- IAO_xref
- IL4 gene
- IRF1 gene
- Influenza A virus
- Influenza virus vaccine
- Influenzavirus A
- Influenzavirus B
- Influenzavirus C
- id
- immaterial entity
- immediately_preceded_by
- immediately_precedes
- immunization
- immunization objective
- immunization target role
- imported from
- in_subset
- independent continuant
- induction of adaptive immune response to antigen
- influenza vaccination
- information content entity
- inheres in
- inheres_in
- inheres_in_part_of
- initial GWAS study
- insertion polymorphism
- interactive gene group
- intergenic region
- intron
- investigation
- is about
- is negative statistical evidence of
- is positive supporting statistical evidence of
- is preceded by
- is realized by
- is substituent group from
- isAdjacentAfter
- isAdjacentBefore
- isAdjacentBefore
- isCodeFor
- isComponentPartOf
- isContainedIn
- isContainedIn
- isEndsWith
- isLocatedAfter
- isLocatedBefore
- isLocatedBefore
- isOccupiedBy