Ontology of Genetic Susceptibility Factor
102 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 102 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- An_Introduction_to_Human_Molecular_Genetics
- Andrew_P._Read
- Contig1
- Contig2
- Contig5
- CpG Island
- Dexyribonuleic acid molecule
- Exon_1
- Exon_2
- Exon_3
- Exon_4
- Human_Molecular_Genetics3
- Jack_J._Pastermak
- Micro RNAs
- Mitochondrial DNA
- RNA gene
- RNA molecule
- RNA_Segment_5
- ReseqD12
- ReseqE12
- ReseqF12
- RevReseqF12
- RevResqD12
- STS non polymorphic marker
- Tom_Strachan
- author
- biological macromolecule
- biological molecule
- biological small molecule
- book
- coding RNA molecule
- complementary DNA
- enhancer
- genomic DNA
- hasBearer
- hasBiomoleculeBoundary
- hasComponentPart
- hasContainedInterval
- hasCytogeneticMapLocation
- hasDispositionRole
- hasEndLocationOnMap
- hasEndPoint
- hasGeneLocus
- hasIntervalRelation
- hasLengthInBase
- hasLinkedLoci
- hasLocationOnMap
- hasMap
- hasMarkerProbe
- hasMarkerRole