Ontology of units of Measure
889 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 801 to 850 of 889 Records | Page: 17 of 18, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- system of units
- system that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 122
- temperature
- temperature rate
- temperature rate unit
- temperature unit
- thermal conductivity
- thermal conductivity unit
- thermal diffusivity
- thermal diffusivity unit
- thermal insulance
- thermal insulance unit
- thermal resistance
- thermal resistance unit
- thermodynamic temperature scale
- thermodynamic temperature unit
- thickness
- time
- time constant
- time unit
- title
- top mass
- torque unit
- totaal aantal bladeren
- totaal aantal bloemen
- totaal aantal knoppen
- total 3D start-end distance
- total density parameter
- total distance travelled
- triple point of water
- true distance modulus
- tween mass fraction
- u magnitude
- unit
- unit division
- unit exponentiation
- unit multiple
- unit multiplication
- unofficial abbreviation
- unofficial label
- uri
- uses quantity
- uses unit
- v magnitude
- vaas- plus water- plus bloemmassa
- vaas- plus watermassa
- vaasleven
- vascular browning
- velocity
- viable count