Ontology of units of Measure
51 terms(s) returned
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- Mach number
- Mach number unit
- magnetic Reynolds number
- magnetic Reynolds number unit
- magnetic field
- magnetic field unit
- magnetic flux
- magnetic flux density
- magnetic flux density unit
- magnetic flux unit
- magnetomotive force
- magnetomotive force unit
- magnitude
- magnitude at maximum brightness
- magnitude at minimum brightness
- magnitude unit
- manual firmness
- mass
- mass flow
- mass flow unit
- mass fraction
- mass fraction unit
- mass per energy
- mass per energy unit
- mass unit
- measure
- mechanische-spanningstensor
- metallicity
- metre per prefixed second (time)
- metre per prefixed second (time) squared
- moderated starch mass fraction
- molair volume
- molaire energie
- molaire entropie
- molaire massa
- molaire warmtecapaciteit
- molaliteit
- molality unit
- molar energy unit
- molar entropy unit
- molar heat capacity unit
- molar mass unit
- molar volume unit
- mole per prefixed litre
- mole per prefixed metre
- moment of force
- moment of force unit
- moment of inertia
- moment of inertia unit
- momentum unit