Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
322 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 322 Records | Page: 1 of 7, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Homo sapiens role
- Medicaid policy holder role
- OMB American Indian or Alaska Native identity information content entity
- OMB Asian identity information content entity
- OMB Hispanic or Latino identity information content entity
- OMB Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander identity information content entity
- OMB black or African American identity information content entity
- OMB ethnic identity information content entity
- OMB not Hispanic or Latino identity information content entity
- OMB racial identification process
- OMB racial identity information content entity
- OMB white identity information content entity
- U.S. veteran role
- US Census reference person role
- US Census unemployed role
- US census householder role
- US physician assistant role
- US state Medicaid agency
- WIC data item
- abusive behavior
- acute care encounter
- admission process
- adult foster home facility
- adult foster home function
- age measurement datum
- aggregate of objectual organisms
- aggregate of organizations
- ambulatory surgery facility
- ambulatory surgery function
- anesthesiologist role
- answer set
- answer to identity question
- architectural structure
- assistance with activities of daily living care encounter
- assistance with instrumental activities of daily living encounter
- assisted living facility
- assisted living function
- assistive care encounter
- awarding an academic degree
- basic education program
- behavioral identity
- birth attendant role
- burn patient role
- cancer summary staging
- cancer summary staging code
- caregiver role
- categorization scheme
- collection of humans
- communication
- community living health care facility