Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
60 terms(s) returned
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- Haida
- Haitian
- Hausa
- Hawaiian
- Hebrew
- Herero
- Hiligaynon
- Hindi
- Hiri Motu
- Hittite
- Hmong
- Homo sapiens role
- Hungarian
- Hupa
- has aggressor
- has primary data subject
- has reporter
- health care administrative process
- health care billing data set
- health care claim data set
- health care facility
- health care function
- health care plan data item
- health care provider organization role
- health care provider role
- heavy smoker role
- higher education objective
- higher education program
- highest level of education data item
- highest level of education is below high school completion or equivalent data item
- highest level of education is completion of graduate certificate or degree data item
- highest level of education is completion of high school or equivalent data item
- highest level of education is completion of kindergarten data item
- highest level of education is completion of pre-kindergarten data item
- highest level of education is completion of undergraduate degree data item
- highest level of education is completion of vocaational education program data item
- highest level of education is grades 1 through 6 data item
- highest level of education is grades 10 through 12 data item
- highest level of education is grades 7 through 9 data item
- highest level of education is some but not all high school data item
- highest level of education is some college data item
- home health care encounter
- home health care function
- home health care organization
- hospice facility
- hospice function
- hospice organization
- hospital bed capacity data item
- hospital facility
- hospital function