Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle
701 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 551 to 600 of 701 Records | Page: 12 of 15, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- infectious agent vector role
- information content entity
- intermediate host role
- intestine
- is allocated id range
- is concretized as
- is denotator type
- isDefinedBy
- language
- layperson synonym
- legal name
- license
- life cycle stage
- liver
- located in
- location of
- logical characteristic of object property
- logical macro assertion
- logical macro assertion on a property
- logical macro assertion on an object property
- lung
- macrogamete stage
- macrogametocyte stage
- macrophage
- main release ontology module
- material anatomical entity
- material entity
- may be identical to
- mbox
- member
- member of
- merozoite stage
- mesenteric vein
- metacyclic promastigote stage
- metacyclic trypomastigote stage
- metadata complete
- metadata incomplete
- microgamete stage
- microgametocyte stage
- midgut
- miracidium stage
- misnomer
- misspelling
- mother sporocyst stage
- muscle tissue
- named class expression
- object
- object aggregate
- obo basic subset ontology module
- obsolescence reason specification