Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle
701 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 601 to 650 of 701 Records | Page: 13 of 15, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- obsolete_Plasmodium falciparum
- obsolete_Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream trypomastigote stage
- obsolete_core
- obsolete_has host
- obsolete_has vector
- occurrent
- occurs in
- one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary
- one-dimensional spatial region
- one-dimensional temporal region
- ontology module
- ontology module subsetted by OWL profile
- ontology module subsetted by expressivity
- ontology term requester
- oocyst stage
- oocyst-derived sporozoite stage
- ookinete stage
- organism
- organizational term
- out of scope
- parasite host role
- parasite lifecycle in host liver stage
- parasite lifecycle stage
- parasite organism
- parasite role
- parasitic worm stage
- part of
- participates in
- pathogen role
- pending final vetting
- placeholder removed
- plural form
- previous name
- proboscis
- process
- process boundary
- process profile
- procyclic promastigote stage
- procyclic trypomastigote stage
- promastigote stage
- publisher
- quality
- quality of
- ready for release
- realizable entity
- realized in
- realizes
- reasoned ontology module
- relation
- relational quality