Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle
37 terms(s) returned
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- EL++ ontology module
- Eimeria
- Eimeria acervulina
- Eimeria acervulina lifecycle stage
- Eimeria acervulina merozoite
- Eimeria acervulina merozoite stage
- Eimeria maxima
- Eimeria maxima gametocyte
- Eimeria maxima gametocyte stage
- Eimeria maxima lifecycle stage
- Eimeria tenella
- Eimeria tenella lifecycle stage
- Eimeria tenella oocyst
- Eimeria tenella oocyst stage
- Eimeria tenella sporozoite stage
- Eimeria tenella sprozoite
- ecologically related to
- editor note
- editor preferred term
- editors ontology module
- egg stage
- elucidation
- entity
- epimastigote stage
- erythrocyte
- erythrocytic merozoite stage
- erythrocytic ring trophozoite stage
- erythrocytic schizont stage
- erythrocytic trophozoite stage
- evolutionarily related to
- example of usage
- example to be eventually removed
- exclusion subset ontology module
- exflagellated microgametocyte stage
- expand assertion to
- expand expression to
- external import ontology module