Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle
51 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 51 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Homo sapiens
- Homo sapiens blood
- Homo sapiens cerebrospinal fluid
- Homo sapiens erythrocyte
- Homo sapiens hepatocyte
- Homo sapiens intestine
- Homo sapiens liver
- Homo sapiens lung
- Homo sapiens macrophage
- Homo sapiens mesenteric vein
- Homo sapiens skin
- Homo sapiens ureter
- Homo sapiens urinary bladder
- Homo sapiens vesical venus plexus
- has 2D boundary
- has ID digit count
- has ID policy for
- has ID prefix
- has ID range allocated to
- has associated axiom(fol)
- has associated axiom(nl)
- has axiom label
- has broad synonym
- has characteristic
- has curation status
- has disposition
- has exact synonym
- has function
- has host
- has member
- has narrow synonym
- has obsolescence reason
- has ontology root term
- has part
- has participant
- has quality
- has related synonym
- has role
- has vector
- hasDbXref
- hepatic merozoite stage
- hepatic schizont stage
- hepatic trophozoite stage
- hepatocyte
- hepatopancreas
- hindgut
- history
- homepage
- host role
- human parasite role