Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
287 terms(s) returned
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- Armenian
- Aroostook
- Ashkenazi Jew
- Asia
- Asian
- Asian American
- Asian Indian
- Assiniboine
- Assiniboine Sioux
- Assyrian
- Atka
- Atmautluak
- Atqasuk
- Atrial fibrillation
- Atsina
- Attacapa
- August
- Augustine
- Australian
- Australian/New Zealand Ethnicity
- Average Female Live Fetal Weight
- Average Household Income
- Average Live Fetal Weight
- Average Male Live Fetal Weight
- abdominal segment of trunk
- abiotic mesoscopic physical object
- absolute change in arterial blood flow rate
- absolute change in body temperature
- absolute change in diastolic blood pressure
- absolute change in electrocardiographic low frequency R-R spectral component to high frequency R-R spectral component ratio
- absolute change in heart rate
- absolute change in left ventricular diastolic blood pressure
- absolute change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure
- absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure
- absolute change in pulse pressure
- absolute change in renal blood flow rate
- absolute change in renal vascular resistance
- absolute change in systolic blood pressure
- absolute diurnal change in systolic blood pressure
- academic Doctorate degree education level
- acellular anatomical structure
- acellular membrane
- acellular self-replicating organic structure
- acetylcholine response/sensitivity measurement
- acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent of force at maximum constriction
- achieves_planned_objective
- acinus of exocrine gland
- action specification
- activated partial thromboplastin time
- active ecosystem management process