Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
393 terms(s) returned
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- CKD hospitalization form
- CRF filled up by biopsy operator
- CRF filled up by participant candidate
- CRF filled up by patient
- CRF filled up by research coordinator
- Cabazon
- Caddo
- Cahto
- Cahuilla
- Calculated endo-diastolic volume
- Calculated endo-systolic volume
- California Tribes
- Calista Yupik
- Cambodian
- Campo
- Canadian Indian
- Canadian and Latin American Indian
- Canoncito Dine
- Cantwell
- Capitan Grande
- Caribbean Indian
- Carolinian
- Carson
- Catarrhini
- Catawba
- Cayuga
- Cayuse
- Cedarville
- Celilo
- Central African
- Central American
- Central American Indian
- Central Asian
- Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Tribes
- Central Pomo
- Chalkyitsik
- Chamorran
- Chefornak
- Chehalis
- Chemakuan
- Chemehuevi
- Chemosis
- Chenega
- Cherokee
- Cherokee Alabama
- Cherokee Shawnee
- Cherokees of Northeast Alabama
- Cherokees of Southeast Alabama
- Chevak
- Cheyenne