Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
204 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 151 to 200 of 204 Records | Page: 4 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- membrane organ
- mereotopologically related to
- mesangial injury score
- mesenchyme
- mesenteric artery molecular composition measurement
- mesenteric artery morphological measurement
- mesenteric artery phosphylated eNOS level to total eNOS level ratio
- meso-epithelium
- mesoderm
- mesoderm-derived structure
- mesoscopic physical object
- mesothelium
- metadata complete
- metadata incomplete
- methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation
- methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation
- methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio
- middle cerebral artery inner diameter
- migrating mesenchyme population
- minimum age value specification
- mitral valve closure to opening time
- mobile genetic element
- model number
- molecular analysis facility organization
- molecular biomarker
- molecular entity
- molecule
- monoisotopicmass
- mononuclear cell count
- month of birth
- month of kidney biopsy
- month of year
- more than 5.5 pounds (2500 grams) birth weight
- mouth
- multi organ part structure
- multi-species collection of organisms
- multi-tissue structure
- multicellular anatomical structure
- multicellular organism
- multilaminar epithelium
- muscle fiber morphological measurement
- muscle measurement
- muscle morphological measurement
- muscle organ
- muscle structure
- muscle tissue
- musculature
- musculature of body
- musculoskeletal or connective tissue AE
- musculoskeletal system