Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
100 terms(s) returned
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- older adult human subject
- one-dimensional temporal region
- ontology term requester
- open biopsy
- organ
- organ component layer
- organ lesion measurement
- organ measurement
- organ morphological measurement
- organ non-tumorous lesion measurement
- organ part
- organ subunit
- organ system subdivision
- organ tumorous lesion measurement
- organic chemical entity
- organic cyclic compound
- organic heterobicyclic compound
- organic heterocyclic compound
- organic heteropolycyclic compound
- organic molecular entity
- organic molecule
- organic oxo compound
- organism
- organism or virus or viroid
- organism social role
- organism subdivision
- organism substance
- organismal entity
- organismal quality
- organization
- organization health care role
- organization social role
- organizational term
- organochalcogen compound
- organogenesis stage
- organonitrogen compound
- organonitrogen heterocyclic antibiotic
- organonitrogen heterocyclic compound
- organooxygen compound
- organosulfur compound
- organosulfur heterocyclic compound
- other answer to question
- outer epithelium
- outer space
- outpatient visit
- output of
- overall study official
- overlaps
- oxoacid
- oxygen molecular entity