Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
134 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 134 Records | Page: 2 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Torres-Martinez
- Total Live Fetal Weight
- Trinidadian
- Trinity
- Tsimshian
- Tuckabachee
- Tuesday
- Tulalip
- Tule River
- Tulukskak
- Tunica Biloxi
- Tuntutuliak
- Tununak
- Turtle Mountain
- Tuscarora
- Tuscola
- Twenty-Nine Palms
- Twin Hills
- Two Kettle Sioux
- Tygh
- Tyonek
- table
- taxon_notes
- taxonomic class assertion
- technosphere
- telehealth visit
- telephone number
- temporal interpretation
- temporal region
- temporally related to
- temporary employment status
- term editor
- term mapping to NCIT ID
- term mapping to UMLS CUI
- term tracker item
- term_mapping_to_NCIT
- term_mapping_to_UMLS
- terminology_notes
- tertiary care
- tertiary care provider
- textual entity
- textual question
- thoracic cavity
- thoracic cavity element
- thoracic segment of trunk
- thoracic segment organ
- thoracic skeleton
- time constant of left ventricular pressure decay
- time measurement datum
- time of biopsy