Phenotype And Trait Ontology
461 terms(s) returned
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- AV node cell action potential
- AV node cell to bundle of His cell communication
- AV node cell to bundle of His cell signaling
- Acrogymnospermae
- Actinopteri
- Actinopterygii
- Alveolata
- Amniota
- Amoebozoa
- Archaea
- Archelosauria
- Archosauria
- Arthropoda
- Ascomycota
- Aves
- a mating type (yeast)
- abaxial to
- abdomen
- abdomen blood vessel
- abdomen connective tissue
- abdomen element
- abdomen musculature
- abdomen nerve
- abdominal aorta
- abdominal aorta artery
- abdominal cavity
- abdominal ganglion
- abdominal segment blood vessel
- abdominal segment bone
- abdominal segment connective tissue
- abdominal segment element
- abdominal segment muscle
- abdominal segment of trunk
- abdominal segment skin
- abdominal viscera
- abdominal wall
- abdominopelvic cavity
- abduction
- abnormal
- abnormal cell
- abnormal_slim
- abrased
- absence due to degeneration
- absence of anatomical entity
- absence of physical object
- absent
- absent process
- absent_slim
- absorption quality
- absorption wavelength