Phenotype And Trait Ontology
252 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 252 Records | Page: 2 of 6, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- baryon
- basal lamina of epithelium
- basal plate metencephalon
- basal to
- base
- basement membrane
- basement membrane assembly
- basement membrane collagen trimer
- basement membrane disassembly
- basement membrane of epithelium
- basement membrane organization
- basket cell morphology
- basophilic
- basophilic cytoplasm
- basophilic erythroblast
- before or simultaneous with
- behavior
- behavioral quality
- behavioral quality of a process
- behavioural active
- behavioural activity
- behavioural inactive
- beige
- bent
- benzenediols
- benzopyrrole
- bi-directional
- biconcave
- biconvex
- bicornuate
- bicyclic compound
- bifurcated
- bilaminar disc
- bilateral
- bilateral symmetry
- bilaterally paired
- bilobed
- binucleate
- binucleate cell
- biochemical role
- biogenic amine biosynthetic process
- biogenic amine metabolic process
- biogenic amine secreting cell
- biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms
- biological regulation
- biological role
- biological sex
- biological_process
- biomacromolecule
- biomaterial purity