Phenotype And Trait Ontology
411 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 351 to 400 of 411 Records | Page: 8 of 9, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- displaced
- displaced to
- disposition
- disposition_slim
- disrupted
- dissociated from
- dissolved
- distal orientation
- distal to
- distally connected to
- distance
- distended
- distensibility
- distensible
- distichous
- distomedial orientation
- distributed
- diurnal
- divalent inorganic anion
- divergent from
- domed
- donor
- dorsal aorta
- dorsal aorta development
- dorsal aorta morphogenesis
- dorsal orientation
- dorsal region element
- dorsal thoracic segment of trunk
- dorsal to
- dorsal trunk
- dorsal-ventral polarity
- dorsalized
- dorsally rotated
- dorso-anteriorized
- dorso-ventrally flattened
- dorsolateral orientation
- dorsolateral placode
- dorsomedial orientation
- dorsum
- dorsum of tongue
- double bouquet cell
- double bouquet morphology
- doubled haploid
- down
- drains
- drooping
- drug
- dry
- duct
- duct epithelial cell