Phenotype And Trait Ontology
413 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 413 Records | Page: 1 of 9, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitor
- EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor
- EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor
- EC (amidase) inhibitor
- Ecdysozoa
- Embryophyta
- Escherichia coli metabolite
- Euarchontoglires
- Euglenozoa
- Eukaryota
- Eumetazoa
- Eumycetozoa
- Eumycetozoan cell
- Euphyllophyta
- Euteleostomi
- Eutheria
- Evosea
- early embryonic cell (metazoa)
- early pharyngeal endoderm
- early_development
- east
- ecological community
- ecto-epithelial cell
- ecto-epithelium
- ectoderm
- ectoderm development
- ectoderm formation
- ectoderm of buccopharyngeal membrane
- ectoderm-derived structure
- ectodermal cell
- ectodermal cell differentiation
- ectodermal digestive tract development
- ectodermal part of digestive tract
- ectodermal placode
- ectodermal placode development
- ectodermal placode formation
- ectodermal placode morphogenesis
- ectomeninx
- ectopic germ cell programmed cell death
- ectoplacental cavity
- ectoplacental cone
- edematous
- edge shape
- edibility
- edible
- efferent neuron
- efficiency
- efficient
- efo_slim
- egg activation