Phenotype And Trait Ontology
248 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 151 to 200 of 248 Records | Page: 4 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- heterogeneous tissue
- heteroorganic entity
- heterophilic
- heteropolycyclic compound
- heterotaxic
- hexagonal
- hexaploid
- high brightness
- high contrast color pattern
- high frequency recombinant
- high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
- high saturation
- high-arched
- hilus cell of ovary
- hindbrain
- hindbrain cortical intermediate zone
- hindbrain development
- hindbrain dura mater
- hindbrain formation
- hindbrain marginal layer
- hindbrain maturation
- hindbrain morphogenesis
- hindbrain neural plate
- hindbrain nucleus
- hindbrain venous system
- hindbrain-spinal cord boundary
- hindbrain-spinal cord boundary formation
- hispid
- hispidulous
- hollow
- homeostasis of number of cells
- homeostatic
- homeostatic process
- homepage
- homology_grouping
- homophilic
- horizontal
- horizontal pyramidal morphology
- horizontal pyramidal neuron
- hormone
- hormone secretion
- hormone transport
- hourglass-shaped
- hpo_slim
- human metabolite
- human xenobiotic metabolite
- human_reference_atlas
- humidity
- hyaline cartilage tissue
- hyaluronan biosynthetic process