Phenotype And Trait Ontology
317 terms(s) returned
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- IAO_0000231
- Insecta
- ictal
- id
- immaterial anatomical entity
- immature
- immature Schwann cell
- immature eye
- immediate transformation of
- immediately preceded by
- immediately precedes
- immobile
- immobile relative to
- immortal
- immune effector process
- immune organ
- immune system
- immune system development
- immune system process
- impact-fractured
- imperforate
- impermeable
- import across plasma membrane
- import into cell
- import into nucleus
- impulse
- in branching relationship with
- in contact with
- in taxon
- in utero embryonic development
- in_subset
- inactive
- incisiform
- incompatible
- incomplete structure
- inconsistent_with_fma
- inconspicuous
- increased accumulation
- increased acidity
- increased adhesivity
- increased affinity
- increased age
- increased amount
- increased angle to
- increased anterior-posterior diameter
- increased area
- increased avidity
- increased behavioural activity
- increased branchiness
- increased cellular motility