Phenotype And Trait Ontology
250 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 250 Records | Page: 1 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- L-shaped
- Lewis base
- Ly-6-like protein
- label
- labiolingually compressed
- lack of fertility in offspring
- lacking processual parts
- lacks all parts of type
- lacks parts or has fewer parts of type
- lacks_part
- lacks_plasma_membrane_part
- lamina
- lamina of gray matter of spinal cord
- lamina propria
- lamina propria of bronchus
- lamina propria of esophagus
- lamina propria of trachea
- laminar
- laminar subdivision of the cortex
- lance-ovate
- lanceolate
- lanceolate-triangular
- large basket cell morphology
- larval
- laryngeal apparatus
- laryngeal associated mesenchyme
- laryngeal cartilage
- laryngeal joint
- laryngeal nerve
- laryngeal pre-cartilage condensation
- larynx
- larynx connective tissue
- larynx development
- larynx epithelium
- larynx morphogenesis
- larynx submucosa
- larynx submucosa gland
- latency
- lateral and rotional curvature
- lateral lingual swelling
- lateral lingual swelling epithelium
- lateral mesoderm development
- lateral mesoderm formation
- lateral mesoderm morphogenesis
- lateral orientation
- lateral plate mesoderm
- lateral structure
- lateral to
- lateralized
- laterally compressed