Phenotype And Trait Ontology
250 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 151 to 200 of 250 Records | Page: 4 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- lining cell
- lip
- lip epithelium
- lip skeletal muscle
- lip taste bud
- lipid
- lipid biosynthetic process
- lipid export from cell
- lipid import into cell
- lipid localization
- lipid metabolic process
- lipid transport
- liquid configuration
- lobate
- lobed
- localization
- localization of cell
- localization within membrane
- localized
- located in
- located in
- location of
- locomotion
- locus ceruleus
- locus ceruleus development
- locus ceruleus formation
- locus ceruleus maturation
- locus ceruleus morphogenesis
- longitudinal orientation
- loose
- loose connective tissue
- looseness
- loud
- low brightness
- low saturation
- lower jaw opening
- lower jaw region
- lower lip
- lower respiratory tract
- lower respiratory tract cartilage
- lower respiratory tract connective tissue
- lower respiratory tract epithelium
- lower respiratory tract smooth muscle
- lower vermilion
- lumen of
- lumen of blood vessel
- lumen of central nervous system
- lumen of digestive tract
- lumen of epithelial sac
- lumen of esophagus